We’ve become part of the TruthOnTV channel! Our “show” still consists of content from 30 seconds to two hours in length. These clips are people actually DOING something and SHARING their information with the public.
Many have completed the WAKE UP process, and are now looking for the DO SOMETHING message. That part of the process is more individual. From each person, through their knowledge, skills and experience comes a micro-portion of the dose needed to wake up those who still have potential to survive this.
Watch all of the videos posted at Wake Up And Do Something on TruthOnTV
Check realtime discrimination out in this short video. A PUBLIC PLACE RETAIL GROCERY STORE disallows an entire class of people from buying in their store. Remember, this is a PUBLIC PLACE by the Sedona Mayor’s edict, and they won’t allow people with medical conditions who can’t wear masks from shopping in their store. This is a violation of ADA and HIPAA, and I’m pretty sure a suit will follow. First offense is $75,000. Subsequent offense is $150,000. I’m going back with a bunch of other folks who can’t wear masks.
The front page of this site has been converted to a video information distribution center for the latest in ACTUAL medical and scientific knowledge regarding the fake covid story.
I trust everyone will watch a few of these short videos and learn something they didn’t know before.
The book has arrived! There are 100 signed and numbered copies available from 2 to 101. (Carla already purchased #1.)
This limited edition hard-cover release has the slap-bracelet jump drive bookmark with both TERRANOMALY albums, extra tracks, the pdf version of the book, the e-book, the audio book, and more. Retail is $59.00 and a buy it now button will be on the site as soon as the data is complete and copied to the jump drives.
It’s an important time in not only American history, but humanity’s history. By throwing off the enslavers and abusers of humanity, we open the door to the next higher level of participation in this area of the galaxy. A breakaway civilization of Earth humans is already involved.
Does mankind deserve to be there? Are the masses ready to interact with ETs both familiar in design and not? Most of the planet just hid in their homes with no rationalization aforethought. There was no killer virus. There was no need to buy 40 million sheets of toilet paper. What will happen if an alien race decided to use REAL bio-weapons on a global scale? Would we be ready to fight back? Can’t do it while cowering in our homes. A lot of education needs to happen on this world before we join the next level up. There are many positives, though.
Wait until July when a trickle of information of the new power generating equipment comes out! America will be the world leader of energy long after this world leaves petroleum atop a heap of obsolescence in which it deserves to reside.
Wake Up And Do Something is at the printer, who is of course, shut down by a governor that wants America destroyed economically.
I felt a teaser might be appropriate, and since the book is chaptered by song, here is the chapter on Wake Up (It’s Gonna Be Alright).
Wake Up and Do Something pages 31-34
WAKE UP completed July 10, 2014 – 2nd song written
This song was the 2nd in the creation timeline for the album. It wasn’t until 3 months later after making the music video for this song that the album name starting hitting my consciousness. Even though the hints were there with Enough Is Enough and Breaking Day, the idea of a concept album never broke the surface before then. Wake up has many good reminders in very few lyrics. It is, of course, a command to WAKE UP from the slumber and falseness imposed on us as our reality, but it’s also a reassurance that we will come out the other side better for the trouble and the experience of making useless every weapon thrown at us by the Deep State actors.
Does it seem like your dream of paradise Just got julienned before your eyes?
Once we start to wake up, we start to realize that everything we thought was going great is actually being manipulated and used against our success, and for the very, very few to prosper. One of the requirements to have any success at waking up is the removal of cable TV from one’s life. The constant, biased, agenda-pushing from the networks is really a counterproductive energy to be immersed in on a daily basis.
Too much assault is not good for your heart.
Negative energy programming (it is called television PROGRAMMING for a reason) is not mandatory in our lives. I found that in very short order, I was wondering why it was I had it for the five years prior. Most of the time, we were watching the channel that lists all the channels. I figured out one month that we used over 75% of our TV time watching that channel. Save money and time every month by eliminating cable TV.
In that drama you should not take part.
Jordan Sather and Michael
We CAN pull the plug and cut the cable. Now, I think it makes sense to have an internet connection so that I can watch some of my favorite reporters like Jordan Sather and Greg Hunter, but I don’t have a cable of network channels spewing crap into my living environment both when I’m aware of it, and when I’m not.
There is no substitute for wisdom when it comes to solving problems, and that’s where the next lines come from. Every youngster needs a mentor to reveal the secrets of life.
When it seems you cannot find the floor, Ask someone who’s been here long before.
Who better to start researching a subject through, than someone who has already compiled the most public of information on the given topic? If the topic is nothing new, like say ancient aliens, then why not look into the amazing research of Tellinger, Hancock, or Von Däniken before spending time on what’s already been recorded? Start with their info, then find what hasn’t been revealed by finding patterns in their research. Next, the biggest revelation from the song is given.
Truth is hidden firmly from your sight. Zoom back and step up to see the light.
The key to recognizing the truth is to have the perspective from which the proper solution can be seen. Insufficient data yields an improper solution. The rabbit hole can get deep, dark, and scary, however, so the next line provides the defense:
Watch but don’t you be consumed in flight. Wake up! It’s gonna be alright.
One must always remember that while observing the dark side, one must not be consumed in it or by it. Staying emotionally disconnected while researching in the rabbit hole is recommended. If emotional pain begins, it’s probably time to take a break from reading.
Wake Up started as just a song. It became a mantra. Between 2015 when the album was written, and 2017, “Waking Up” or being “Woke” became handles in public parlance on whether one was actually recognizing what was going on, or was being fooled by the MSM and the global agenda, respectively. Almost right away, radio stations with self-help programming began asking for use of the track, and to this day, it is the most downloaded Terranomaly track. It is a bit unusual as our tracks go, as it starts out with a little drum solo, then a strange little bridge with the usual Terranomaly guitar harmonies. I think it has a kind of haunting melody but a bright message, considering the content of the album and the world around us.
Wake up; it’s gonna be alright.
The knowledge is necessary to have at least in the subconscious in order to reach the critical mass to shift the planet and our existence from slave beings to creator beings.
The book is initially releasing as a hard cover in limited quantities (like 100). The book is 121 pages and comes with a bookmark that is also a wristband with a built-in jump drive.
The drive has both the Wake Up and the Do Something albums on it, a couple of more songs that Terranomaly recorded and licensed, the audio version of the book, as well as the pdf of the book.
As soon as they’re in house, I’ll post a PayPal buy-it-now on the book page. They will also be available at the Sedona Cosmic Awakening Conference April 24th. Get your tickets to the Conference AT THIS LINK.
The book is almost finished, as I’m adding some last moment anecdotes and potential solutions to the problems we’ve already identified. Check back soon!
This is the site with the updates for the book WAKE UP AND DO SOMETHING by Michael O’Sedona. Since everyone needs an introduction, here is the introduction to the book.
This book is especially for those who may not be rock ‘n
roll music fans, but definitely want to understand the message given by ET to
some of us here on Earth, with instructions to tell everyone who will listen.
Now, I don’t know if a million people received the same message that I did, but
it was communicated to me that a million people on Earth have, in the first two
years of this century, been contacted and have been told important concepts to
communicate with all who are willing to hear.
On the other hand, if you do like rock ‘n roll music, there
is the bonus of having the first two albums from Terranomaly attached to this
book. I’m very proud of the music, the message, and the production on these
recordings, and if you aren’t a fan of rock music, I hope that you’ll listen to
these tracks at least once while reading the lyrics just for the energy of the
WAKE UP is meant to be listened to from beginning to end, so
please reserve 43 minutes of uninterrupted time to read the whole lyrical story
in one sitting while listening to the music. Wake Up identifies the problems
that I feel are paramount for us to solve in order to restore the Republic to
the greatness the Founders designed. These issues affect the American way of
life. They disrupt living freely with all the rights granted by the Creator. The
album was written and recorded between May and October of 2014. The songs were
not written in order on the album, and I didn’t know I was writing a ‘theme’
album until the last couple of songs.
DO SOMETHING is an attempt to address the aforementioned problems with potential solutions. What can we do? Primarily, we can vote with our dollars. We can announce internet trolls to others. We can expose the Fake News when we know better. We can recognize when our psyche is being attacked and stop giving our brain the simulations of death, murder, and mayhem. More than anything though, we can keep our minds in a positive, yet aware state and call out the BS anywhere we find it. It’s time for political correctness to end. It’s time to restore the culture of the Great Generation of Americans.
I don’t support things that are antithetic to the
Constitution. Cable TV and professional sports are examples where money doesn’t
have to be spent on Deep State projects, and without sacrifice to
anything that really matters in this world. I try my best to use my dollars as
my voice and conscience in the bigger-picture world.
I believe in donating time to people and projects that make
positive differences in America and the world. I talk to people with the
message of working together and doing for others over self. I pray for people
and systems to be better, for all that is life. That’s what I can do in the
face of an attack on the very foundations of the amazing experiment called the
American Republic. What would you do?